We are NOT a child care service -- we ARE an extension of the ministry happening @HOME...

...even in our Early Childhood environments. We are here to complement the work that you are doing as disciplers of your own family @HOME and to supplement you with training and resources to be the effective, missional disciplers that God desires for you @HOME 

Here are some ways that you can maximize these efforts:

1. We believe you should pray over your children before you check them in and pray for them throughout the Sunday Morning Worship Gathering...a personal encounter with the Creator of the Universe is about to take place.

2. Please, check your children in on time so that they can have the full experience of what our teachers have prepared for the day and so that the other children are not distracted by the interruptions of catching up late-comers.

When you arrive, if you plan to use our KidzMin environments, go to the Kidz Check-In station and check-in your kiddos, ages 1 to 10.

  • Crossroads Environments are "Well-Child Classrooms"

    Please help keep our environments safe and healthy for all students. If your child is experiencing any of the following symptoms, please keep them with you. 

    • Fever
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Rash
    • Persistent Cough

    If your child begins to show any of these symptoms while in our care, we will bring them to you.

  • Birth to 23 months - Sundays @ 9am AND 11am

    Our Early Childhood staff provides young children, birth through 23 months, a loving and warm environment to allow parents to know their little ones are safe and nurtured while they attend classes and worship. Babies are not too young to learn about God's love for them and we nurture their faith by showing our faith. We do this by having a trusting, safe, and loving environment that the smallest kiddos can begin to love, and be loved on, by the volunteers who serve in our nursery.  When service is over, you'll return to the Kidz Check-In station to check your kiddos out.

  • 2's and 3's - Sundays @ 9am AND 11am

    Our Early Childhood staff provides young children 2-3 years old a fun, playful, safe, and loving environment to allow parents to know their little ones are safe and nurtured while they attend classes and worship. We use a multi-sensory experience to help your little ones be introduced to and build their faith by presenting Bible stories while they move around, play, and explore.  When service is over, you'll return to the Kidz Check-In station to check your kiddos out.

As we believe it is important that kiddos learn to worship from AND alongside Dad and Mom...

..upon arrival, our 4's and 5's and 6 to 10's are checked in at the Kidz Check-In station and then enter the service and sit with their parents. After a couple songs and a time of catechism/prayer, they will be dismissed to their own environments in The Underground or The Upper Room.

Frequently Asked Questions

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  • What if I want to bring my child into the Worship Gathering with me?

    We love a family-inclusive worship experience on Sunday mornings. For the first 18+ centuries of the church, children were not segregated out of the gathering of the church body.

    We believe that parents are the primary disciplers and our kiddos are going to learn how to worship and honor God's Word by observing and imitating Dad and Mom, but we understand that not every child is ready for that step nor is every parent equipped to engage in the service AND with their children at the same time. We've reserved our last couple row for guests or parents with children just in case you have to step out with a fussy one or for a bathroom break. 

  • How are my children kept safe?

    We provide secure Check-In for your child's safety and your peace of mind. Someone from our Guest Relations team will help you get set up with tags for you and your children. Hang on to your tag, you'll need it to pick up your children.  Once checked-in to the appropriate venue, your children will stay in a safe and secure environment until you check them out, after the Worship Service. 

  • How does C2 handle leading children to faith in Jesus and baptism?

    For many believers, fulfilling Jesus' command to make disciples of all nations begins at home—with their children. In fact, few experiences bring greater joy to Christian parents than seeing their children come to faith in Christ.

    The process of evangelizing one’s children, however, can be a daunting task. For many parents, the questions are as practical as they are disconcerting: How should I present the gospel to my children? What’s the best approach to take? How do I know if I’m doing it right?  Both real and imagined, Pitfalls intimidate virtually every parent who contemplates this responsibility. On one hand, there’s the danger of leading children to think they are saved when they are not. On the other, there’s the risk of discouraging children who genuinely desire to follow Christ.

    How, then, should we evangelize our children? The answer to this question is a challenging one, but it begins with recognizing and avoiding some of the following COMMON PITFALLS IN LEADING CHILDREN TO FAITH IN JESUS.

     Common Pitfalls

Need more?

Fill out the information to the right if you have any questions or would like to make comments. We'll get back to you within 24-48 hours. 

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