Our Partnership

At Crossroads Church, partners are not just names in a database – they are the core of the church committed to discipleship lived out in community.  Partnership is a concept implicit throughout the New Testament.  Believers clearly identified themselves with a specific local body and were challenged to become devoted “participants”.  

Partnership is valuable to the leaders of the church as they seek to fulfill their God-given task of shepherding the flock - the core that can be counted on to build and sustain the ministry of the church.  Partnership also benefits the individual.  In a culture where commitment is no longer highly valued, recognizable partnership is an important step that moves each of us out of the vague clouds of our good intentions and into the clear light of committed participation.  We believe the church is the Body of Christ, a PARTNERSHIP of several PARTICIPANTS working together in ONENESS for the common good of another.

Below are six (6) distinct areas of one's life that reflect a maturing relationship with God and are indicative of one's involvement in the life of the local church.  They form the basis of our understanding of what it means to be a participating partner with Crossroads Church. 


    Christ-followers understand and have individually received Christ's saving grace.  They have abandoned all attempts to earn God's favor through accomplishments of their own and find security only through Christ's sacrificial death on their behalf.  In obedience to Christ's command, they have undergone water Baptism by immersion as believers, giving outward witness to the inner cleansing and renewal experienced in Him.


    Christ-followers know the grace of God that saved them is only the beginning of His work in them. They gratefully respond by actively pursuing a lifelong process of spiritual growth in Christ and seek to become conformed to His image both in the church and in the community. To this end, they consistently nurture their spiritual development through an active prayer life, daily Bible study, and moral purity in their personal life and behavior.  (For example, this church will deny partnership, office or leadership to anyone co-habiting in adultery or fornication, outside the bounds of marriage between one man and one woman).  Christ-followers regard the Bible as the final authority in all areas that it teaches about and desire to be wholly obedient to it.  Christ-followers honestly confront areas of personal sin and engage the Holy Spirit's power in seeking to turn from sin.  Christ-followers also:

    • Live life and do church out of purpose rather than habit, routine or obligation.
    • Pursue a positive, fresh environment of Christ-honoring relationships at home, within the church, and in the marketplace, and are committed to pursuing the biblical pattern of reconciliation when conflict arises (first to God, then to the person, then to the Elders).
    • Support the leadership of the church in the exercise of their Holy Spirit-given authority and are biblically submissive to them by praying for them fervently and daily, manifesting tender regard for their reputation and contributing to their support regularly.
    • Affirm and uphold the fundamental truths of Scripture (as summarized in our statement of faith) and refrain from promoting other pet doctrines and personal preferences in ways that cause dissension.
    • Refuse to gossip and sow discord among the brethren but instead commit themselves to personal flexibility of taste and/or preference for the greater good of the body.

    Such disciplines are not the goal, but a MEANS toward a more Gospel-centered life – ALL of Christ for ALL of life!  

    See Joshua 1:8; Psalm 5:3; Psalm 119:148; Mark 1:35; Acts 2:42-47;
    Hebrews 10:24-25


    Christ-followers seek to cultivate an abiding, intimate relationship with God through personal and corporate means of worship, Bible study, prayer, fellowship, and service.  They honor God's call to participate in Missional Community -- to glorify God and enjoy Him forever, to express and receive love, and to carry out the mission of the church in the community. 
    While corporate worship experiences engage the believer in worship and teaching, Christ-followers prioritize mission and discipleship through organic, relationally connected communities of encouragement, support, and accountability to live out God's call.
    Missional Communities fulfill the church's mission by engaging, equipping, empowering, and encouraging Christ-followers in a daily spiritual walk as the body of Christ - ALL of Christ for ALL of life. 


    Christ-followers recognize that the church is composed of interdependent members, each uniquely gifted by the Holy Spirit to build up the body and further the church's ministry.  They, therefore, seek to discover, develop, and deploy those God-given gifts in humble servitude and to seek a place of service in at least one (1) ministry within the church, with the support and affirmation of the body.  They also seek ways in which to actively invite the un-churched to attend and receive guests with open arms and warm hearts.


    A faithful follower of Christ does not favor those rich in this world, but is devoted to warmly receiving, giving, and loving the poor, widows, orphans, and those typically considered outcasts in society.  They realize that they have been bought with the price of Christ's blood and that everything they are and have belongs to Him.  In light of this, they desire to be responsible caretakers of the material resources God entrusted to them.  They recognize the tithe (giving 10% of our total gross income) as the historic standard of giving in Scripture.  Moreover, in response to Christ's abundant giving, they increasingly submit their resources to His lordship and display a spirit of generosity and cheerfulness in supporting the work entrusted to the church.  (Luke 9:1-6, Luke 14:12-24; James 1:27, James 2:14-17; I Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19)


    Christ-followers also desire to extend the grace they've received to others through discipleship and participation in the collective ministry of the church to their neighbors, their city, and their world.  They realize that God perfectly positions them in others’ lives to share God’s transforming message.  Going, SERVING our neighbors or “affecting transformation” is not defined by inconsiderate, rude, or forceful behavior. Discipleship is an integral element and natural response to a genuinely transformed life as stewards of God’s grace, as outlined in 1 Peter 4:10. (Going is a lifestyle.)  Christ-followers recognize the urgency of the “going” mandate outlined in Matthew 28:19-20.  Having been transformed, they understand their fearful responsibility to the Lord and labor diligently to persuade others, under the direction of the Holy Spirit. (2Corinthians 5:11).

    Our Mission

    Our Beliefs

    Our Bylaws

    Our Values

    Our Partnership Covenant