The Link

As we gather together this morning in person, we remain a Body of imperfect people who desire to walk in authentic community together as followers of Jesus. This special Sunday Morning Worship Gathering is purposed, FIRST AND FOREMOST, to glorify God who deserves every ounce of honor we can pour out AND encourage you through...

  • relevant teaching from the Bible,
  • reflective prayers,
  • meaningful worship,
  • loving and serving one another in deep, unifying fellowship.
  • a celebration of the Gospel-centered, Hope-filled Lord's Supper.

We hope that you will leave both exhausted and refreshed, challenged, encouraged, and hopeful for tomorrow.

  • It is our great pleasure to have you here with us at C2. For a preview of what you'll experience today, click...

    About Your Visit

    We'd like to know more about you and how we can help you get connected. Please take a moment to fill out the Guest Connection Card....only share the info you're comfortable with. We WILL NOT spam you.

    Guest Connection Card

  • Yahweh is a God of Hospitality and His people embody a culture of hospitality as well.

  • Yahweh is a God of Community and His people embody a culture of community as well. Community is VITAL to a healthy, New Testament church and you CANNOT have community without communication.

    Aside from the information you find here on The Link, Church Center is the HEART of Crossroads Communication. It is THE SOURCE of information and two-way communication for our church family.  In Church Center, you can...

    1. ...update your own profile
    2. ...find a Group to participate in
    3. ...send and receive messages with your Groups and Ministry Teams (collectively and individually)
    4. your church, missions and special projects through Giving
    5. ...signup for a variety of special events
    6. ...reach out to the staff
    7. ...receive and accept Service notifications when you are scheduled to serve
    8. ...view an upcoming calendar of events here at Crossroads so you can mark your own calendars
    9. ...view a directory of contacts within the church family and see photos to connect a face with a name
    10. ...pre-check on your way to The Big House so you don't have to stand in line at the Check-In Stations
    11. ...HOME tab has a whole list of resources that you can access to better assist you in your journey at Crossroads

    Quick Link to the Communication Card

    Got a prayer request? Want to share a praise? Need more information about taking your next step in your journey with Jesus and/or the church? Got a question about the Bible or about Crossroads?

    Reach the Staff

    Communicate with our staff and view their office hours.

  • Yahweh is a God of Generosity and His people embody a culture of generosity as well.

    Like Him, we try to go above and beyond when it comes to giving to others of our time, energy and, of course, our money. Our ability to help our community and friends and neighbors abroad is made possible because of the contributions of our members and supporters throughout the country. Crossroads Church is a recognized non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible.

    How and Why We Give

    Give Now

  • Yahweh is a God of Transformation and His people embody a culture of transformation as well. We are being conformed into the image of Jesus by being WITH Him, being LIKE Him, and DOING what He did. Through scripture engagement, accountability, and prayer, we walk TOGETHER in community for our own spiritual health and that of others. There are two venues where these keystones of spiritual health are lived out:

    MidWeek is a "hump day" for believers in authentic community to spiritually and emotionally refresh, recharge and share in life together. It's designed for the spiritual health and fitness of those who desire to be conformed to His image and nourished in His Body. You can join us for MidWeek every Wednesday @ 6:30pm here at The Big House. Click below to learn more about MidWeek.


    One of the best ways to connect in a more intimate, meaningful way at Crossroads Church is to participate in a Discipleship Group to build lasting friendships and grow your faith. We have multiple sizes of Groups for multiple demographics on various days of the week. Click below to lear more about MidWeek.


  • Mondays @ 6:30pm

    Trail Life USA is a church-based, Christ-centered, boy-focused mentoring and discipleship journey that speaks to the heart of a boy.  Click Here to Learn More about Trail Life

    American Heritage Girls is a church-based, Christ-centered character and leadership development program for girls 5 to 18 years of age. Click Here to Learn More about AHG

  • For the Week of March 9th to 15th

    Philippians 4:12-13 ESV

    I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. [13] I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

    If you have an Apple device, download the VERSES app for some great interactive memory techniques. After you download the app, come back here and join our church group in the app to see the list of verses we are memorizing this year.

    VERSIFY (Apple/Google Play) is another free bible memory app with a few interactive memory techniques.

    You can also find a complete list of verses we will be memorizing here.

  • Wednesday, March 12th @ 6:30pm - 

    Hearing From God

    Led by: Chris Cunningham

    DescriptionPrayer is a vital yet often underutilized part of our relationship with Jesus. Over six weeks, we’ll explore what prayer is, the types of prayer, and how to build a daily prayer habit. Through round-table discussions and examples from scripture, we’ll practice different prayer styles together and grow in our ability to hear from God.

    [Click Here to Learn More and Sign Up]

  • March 9th, This Weeks Lesson: Session 4: Our Response to Jesus

    -- meets at 9am in the Conference Room on the Lower Level

    Are you curious about the CORE BELIEFS and PRACTICES that have shaped Christianity for over two millennia? Could you explain them to another? Do you seek a deeper understanding of your faith, or are you simply exploring what Christianity and Crossroads is all about?

    Foundations is designed for both new believers and those looking to strengthen and share their understanding of Christian teachings from the Bible. Click Here to Learn More and SignUp

    You can join the full 13-week Foundations track or attend individual sessions that interest you.

  • We will CELEBRATE with a Baptism Service on Sunday, March 23, 2025, at the beginning of the 11am service.

    Are you ready to take your next step in surrender, obedience and commitment to Jesus by being baptized at our next Baptism Celebration? SignUp now and one of our Elders will follow up with you.

    Click Here to Learn More and SignUp

  • Sunday, March 23rd - 9am and 11am Worship Gatherings

    A Parent/Child Dedication is a time set aside for parents who follow Jesus to commit themselves to receive and dispense Biblical instruction as parents responsible and obedient to The Word and the Holy Spirit. It is a time for the family to surrender their children back to the Lord our God, King of the Universe, Creator, and Savior of our souls. It's a public declaration of their desire to raise their children to trust, love, and follow Jesus as well as a commitment from our church family to support, encourage, and partner with them to that end.

    Click Here to SignUp

  • 2025 Calendar

    • Resurrection Sunday - Sunday, April 20th
    • VBS - Monday thru Thursday, July 14-17th
    • CSM Camp - August 4-8th
    • Burger Barn - Friday/Saturday, September 5-6th
    • Anniversary Tailgate Party - Sunday, October 5th after service
    • Trunk or Treat - Sunday, October 26th @ 4pm
    • WorshipMakers Christmas Musical - Sunday, December 7th @ 6pm
    • Christmas Eve Service - Wednesday, December 24th @ 7pm
    • Couples Retreat - TBD (date coming soon)
  • We are thrilled to welcome four New Covenant Partners to the Crossroads Church Family. You can see their photos in the slide show above, as well as the pre and post-service announcement slides.

    • Jackson Sallee is coming to us by statement of faith in Jesus Christ and baptism at Gateway Church in Blue Springs at the age of 10. Jackson first started attending Crossroads in September 2024 with his girlfriend, McKenna Henry - after he graduated from Mizzou and moved back to the area. His most recent church membership was at a campus church in Columbia, MO while he was a student.
    • Kristin Barrett is coming to us by statement of faith in Jesus Christ. She was baptized as a child at First Baptist Church in Carl Junction, MO. She and her husband Michael first started attending Crossroads in August 2024.
    • Destiny Case made her public profession of faith in Jesus Christ here at Crossroads through baptism in July 2024, after her family started attending in November 2023. Mom and Dad were baptized and become Covenant Partners in June 2024. Just like baptism, we believe that Covenant Partnership is an individual decision for our young people that is made after baptism and when they understand what Covenant Partnership mean and involves.
    • DJ Case made his public profession of faith in Jesus Christ here at Crossroads through baptism in June 2024, after his family started attending in November 2023. He was baptized along with Mom and Dad in June 2024. Just like baptism, we believe that Covenant Partnership is an individual decision for our young people that is made after baptism and when they understand what Covenant Partnership mean and involves.
    If you are ready to become a Covenant Partner of Crossroads Church OR you're ready to explore more about what this means and why it's important, please CLICK HERE and one of our Elders will reach out to you.
  • Risk Management is the team of men who work behind the scenes to keep our kiddos and families safe when we gather at The Big House. They walk the facilities often during the service, ensuring the KidzMin environments are secured and adequately staffed, our cars in the parking lot remain untouched, and they stay aware of how people engage while on the property. We want to ensure that everyone who comes through our doors is warmly welcomed by our body but we also want to ensure that regardless of their spiritual walk, the environment is safe for all of our attenders to explore a relationship with Jesus. 

    If this is a service you might be interested in participating in or at least knowing more about, CLICK HERE and select "Risk Management Team" and Pastor Daniel will reach out to you.

  • We have some specific gaps in our KidzMin that we need to fill with committed volunteers. You don't have to have experience...just a passion for kiddos to know and love Jesus the way you do. We'll come along side and train you. The opportunities are in both Sunday morning gatherings AND every other Friday at our Mom's Group.

    **Must be a Covenant Partner in order to serve in any role in KidzMin.

    Click Here to see which environments, positions, and times

  • Our Pastor is a student of The Word, a counselor, teacher, and an avid observer of human behavior. He enjoys writing as he processes and sometimes shares extra insights to his messages. You can follow his writing journey here.

    Read Padre's Blog

  • Dwell is an app that allows you to listen to scripture "in your ears and on your heart." Our church pays for each of you to have full access to the FULL version of this app. SIGNUP for the service HERE

    RightNow Media is the "Netflix" of video-based Bible studies. Our church pays for each of you to have full access to this streaming service. SIGNUP for the service HERE

    The New City Catechism is a modern-day resource aimed at helping children and adults alike learn the core doctrines of the Christian faith via 52 questions and answers. Download the app HERE

    Click Here for more great apps and resources for your journey with Jesus and Crossroads Church.